Is this you?
You got the idea out of your head and onto paper.CHECK.Sweet relief.Onto the next.Write, publish, write, publish.Over and over and over again.If you write long-form content, you’ve got thousands upon thousands of words on your digital shelf from this process.Do you even realize how many golden nuggets you’re sitting on?What if we told you that for every 1000 words you write, you have at least 30 days of social media content ideas?Not one “repurposed” post that summarizes your entire draft.30 to 100+ ideas.And to get all of them, you can run a stress-free process that takes minutes (not hours).How is this possible?Simple.It’s all about asking yourself the right questions.You need to put your detective hat on.→ Assess the situation
→ Examine the evidence from multiple angles
→ Come to a series of conclusions(Alternatively you can ask your favorite AI to do 90% of this for you.)That’s it. That’s the whole thing.We said it was simple.But wait, why do all these ideas matter in the first place?Because if you want to build authority on a subject, you need to talk about it over and over.When we repeat and regenerate ideas, two awesome things happen:
1. We discover more about it. By following threads like an inspector we become more knowledgeable and unlock ideas from our subconscious.
2. We teach our audience about it. We empower them to think in new ways, and become known as a trusted source.
Here’s the problem, though. Most people kinda suck at doing this.Especially long-form writers when they go to post on social.They’ve got all this content they can pull from, but instead, they freeze and can’t think of anything to say.Or they just dread the entire of idea of repurposing because it doesn’t feel creative and new enough.
“2000-word articles I can pump out in my sleep.
LinkedIn posts? My brain short circuits.”
—A real long-form writer on the LinkedIn struggle bus
There’s an easy fix to this.And it doesn’t involve writing more.It’s about doing more with what you already have.Coming up with more and more new ideas is A SLOG.Saying the same thing, but in 1000 different ways, is EXHAUSTING.Especially if social overwhelms you.You’re a long-form writer. You’ve already got all the content you need.Now, all we have to do is put our detective hats on and get to work.Welcome to Long to Short,
a step-by-step, AI-enabled, content repurposing system. 👇
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